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4th MICAI Workshop in Computer Security

November 9, 2010

Computer security is an important research topic which requires developments in several areas of AI, such as search, heuristics, pattern recognition, data mining, automated reasoning, expert systems, user modeling, etc. The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers working on different aspects of computer security, including but not limited to intrusion detection, protocol verification, protocol repair, information flow control, etc. Potential attendees to this WS are academics and students working in these and other related areas in AI, as well as researchers working on statistics, in particular pattern recognition, signal processing, etc.

Workshop Chairs:
   • Erika Sánchez (ITESM CEM)
   • Raúl Monroy Borja (ITESM CEM)
   • Carlos Mex-Perera (ITESM MTY)

Program Commitee:
   • Arnulfo Alanís (T. de Tijuana)
   • Juan J. Flores (U. Michoacana)
   • Dietter Hutter (DFKI)
   • Eduardo Lleida (U. of Zaragoza)
   • Juan A. Nolazco (ITESM MTY)
   • Francisco Rodríguez H (CINVESTAV)
   • Luis A. Trejo (ITESM CEM)

Important Dates:

Workshop date:      November 9, 2010
Paper submission: September 26, 2010
Notification:            October 4, 2010
CRC submission:   October 10, 2010


Intelligent Computing Research Group